USS Yorktown
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Commander Thoris Ch'Tell

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Commander Thoris Ch'Tell Empty Commander Thoris Ch'Tell

Post by orrinjelo Tue May 07, 2013 12:22 am

Name: Thoris Ch’Tell

Race: Andorian

Gender: Chan (Nearly analogous to the Human male)

Physical Description: 2.2 m, possibly aged 35 years old. (Actually born 2353.) His white hair is buzzed short, but it still has contrast against his Andorian blue skin. His ears are smallish, and had his hair been as long as was socially common on Andor, they would have been hidden. His antennae are about 20 cm in length. He has a square jaw, thin lips, angular nose, cold eyes, thick eyebrows and a smooth, rounded forehead to the extent where the antennae roots barely show in his frontal bone. He fits snugly in his Starfleet uniform.
Background: Thoris was born and raised in the Tharan Mountains of Andor. He attended the Andorian Acadamy and served in the Defense Force until his twenty-first year (2374). He then transferred to Starfleet Academy and trained to be an officer. He excelled and specialized in plasma dynamics as well as tactical analysis, but decided to major in the sciences. He served several times as an officer on training vessels (Runabouts) during his last couple years. After going through a Kobayashi Maru-type test for his final exam (2379), two years later he found himself serving on the USS Midway, a Sovereign-class battleship at the outskirts of the Alpha/Beta quadrant, his crew assisting with a Borg invasion (2381). Although his home planet was decimated, and Andor seceded from the Federation (2382), he remained with Starfleet. The fact that the Andorians had a sudden urgency to repopulate (due to the Borg invasion and due to certain genetic reasons) weighs heavily on his conscience, although he rationalizes that he can put off marriage another couple decades. He joined the USS Saratoga crew in the following year (2383) and remained with them as assistant CSO until he was reassigned to the USS Yorktown (2388/2389).
He is the only child, and his parents passed away in the Borg invasion of 2381.

Personality: Known to be ambitious and competitive. Can be impatient and hot-headed. Stability and comfort takes priority in his life. Once on a path, he is determined to see it to its end. Tends to bottle up emotions and release the tensions in private. Excels under pressure and expects others (be they from other races or not) to do so as well. He is a lover of music and as a hobby will collect pieces from other planets and races.

Posts : 55
Join date : 2013-05-06
Age : 39
Location : Provo, UT

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